Calling all young Montagu Dental artists!WIN a Family Ticket to London Zoo!!!!
We are running an exciting Montagu Dental Summer competition to our young patients (16 years and under) for the best Dental Poster promoting Oral Health.
All you need to do is send us your best creative ideas in the form of a poster, promoting oral health. All entrants need to be below the age of 16 years, and we request the following to be included:
- A mention of Montagu Dental
- At least 2 facts about keeping your mouth nice and healthy e.g. brush 2 x day, don’t have too much sugar etc.
- Be as colourful and creative as you can!
In addition to winning tickets to the London Zoo, the winner, chosen by our ‘esteemed’ set of dental judges, will have their poster put on display in the Montagu Dental’s waiting room and on our website to make sure our patients are reminded of how to look after their teeth!
To enter, please either:
- Email us a scan/copy of your poster to:
- Send it via post, to the below address:
C/o The Judges, Montagu Dental, 47 Montagu Mansion, W1U 6LD
The deadline for submissions is Friday 7th July 2023.
We look forward to seeing your wonderful creative ideas!
The Montagu Dental team