May Nyein
Dental NurseDip Dental Nursing L3
May provides chair-side assistance to the clinicians at Montagu Dental and supports patients during their appointments.
May qualified at a specialist dental nursing college in London. May ensures she is always one step ahead and that her appointments flow; she plans in advance, seamlessly juggles tasks throughout the day, all the while maintaining a pristine working environment. May is a conscientious member of the team and no matter how busy she is, she will always make time for her patients and colleagues.
May is passionate about learning and strives to improve her knowledge and skills at every opportunity. Keen to be more involved clinically, May completed an extended duties course to enable her to take impressions and radiographs for patients on prescription from a dentist. In addition to developing her core skills, as a dental care professional, she keeps up to date with continuous professional development.
In her spare time, May enjoys cooking and spending time with her two dogs.