Keeping Everyone Safe and healthy
Visiting the Practice - Coronavirus
We very much look forward to welcoming you to our practice; here is what to expect at your appointment:
Because of the current COVID-19 situation we have made several changes to arrangements at Montagu Dental for the safety of our patients and staff.
We want your arrival and departure to be as contactless as possible. Please do not bring anyone with you to your appointment and please arrive on time, not early. Any escorts will be asked to wait outside. Only patients that have a disability or are under the age of 16 may be accompanied.
We ask you not to arrive early and to leave promptly after your appointment, aiming to minimise time on the premises.
- When you arrive, we will ask you to hand sanitise.
- Our nurse will take your temperature and may ask you for further information about your health and wellbeing.
- You will then be taken to see your dentist and asked to wash your hands in the surgery. Depending on what treatment you are expecting, your dentist and nurse may be dressed in full personal protective equipment (PPE) – they are still the same warm and friendly individuals underneath it all!
Cross-infection control is a fundamental principle of dental practice. We are proud of our careful attention to this aspect of our service, with a dedicated sterilisation room and rigorous training already in place, and a team of cleaners who carefully maintain the practice. A schedule is in place for the careful cleaning of all clinical and common areas including door handles, bannisters, floors and hard surfaces with a viricidal bleach solution.
All dental staff will use the PPE as prescribed by Public Health England, gowns, visors and masks to protect from aerosol procedures. We use powerful high-volume suction and are sure to maintain continuous fresh air-flow throughout the practice. All of this combines to reduce any aerosol to negligible levels.
To minimise time spent in the practice we want to reduce unnecessary contact, including the use of card terminals at reception. You will now be asked for payment in advance. Advanced payment may be requested at the time of scheduling your appointment and should be completed before your visit. For patients unable to complete payment in this way, we will operate a contactless payment system via Apple pay and Google pay, or for established patients accept payment over the phone. Follow up appointments will either be scheduled in the treatment room, or by telephone.